More Information:
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 212
ISBN 978-1-7379104-1-1
The Universal Playing Field
The Universal Playing Field, essentially a book of threads, is a journey of discovery into the threads that weave the tapestry of the verses. This book explicates, through an in-depth analysis, the micro and macro of creation in its expansion and contraction, bringing to light a deep understanding of the underlying language and coding of the omniverse.
I break down some of the many kingdoms, realms, planes, and dimensions in a relatable manner that is easily understood. With a deep exploration designed to assist you in understanding the structures, and complementing sight from the singular eye (third eye) or astral travel, I deliver a guide map of the inner, middle, and outer worlds.
The Universal Playing Field has a little bit of everything: emotional self-help, science and math-based facts, and spiritual guidance for all walks of life.

More Information:
Size: 6 x 9
Pages: 391
ISBN 978-1-7379104-3-5
The Dark Kingdom
108 Monsters Within
The Dark Kingdom 108 Monsters Within continues the journey through the omniverse tapestry, focusing with elucidation on the 108 monsters within. These pages illuminate that the darkness within, or monsters, are that which has yet to be illuminated by awareness.
This guide helps the reader transcend their understanding of the universe and how everything shares a balanced connection, right down to an individual's emotional state.
108 Monsters Within teaches the reader the dangers of certain emotional states, and how to not only recognize when these states arise within oneself, but also how to redirect them to become more balanced and positive through a series of simple breathing techniques and mental wellness teachings.
Utilizing sensible keys, tools, and tried-and-true practices, this second book in the series creates a foundation for the reader to build on, to utilize in their everyday life as they strive toward mental, emotional, and physical oneness with the universe. The pages contain a practice known as pratyahara, meaning a withdrawal or disillusion of the senses. Here we focus on pratyahara of the mind and emotion.
This book is perfect for individuals who are new to this line of thinking or those who would like to continue seeking truth, The Dark Kingdom has a little bit of everything: emotional self-help, science, and spiritual guidance.
Meet the 108 Monsters Within Click here.
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