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The Karmatic Diet Blog

  • Writer's pictureMal'akhiyah Waters

Hooked by your emotions?

Hooked? The 108 monsters within are emotional and sensational states brought on by a living energetic language of entities known as demons, amongst many other names throughout history. There is a great deal of shrouded mystery around these entities. Let's start by laying the groundwork to uncover what the demons are which has been hidden in plain sight and start exploring how they relate to us and us to them. These are the demons that make humankind the most unpredictable and dangerous animals on earth.

Let's meet the 108 A-Z

1) Abuse

2) Acedia

3) Addiction/Dependance

4) Aggression

5) Ambition

6) Anger

7) Arrogance

8 ) Baseness

9) Blasphemy

10) Callousness

11) Capriciousness

12) Censoriousness

13) Contempt

14) Cruelty

15) Cursing

16) Debasement

17) Deceit

18) Deception

19) Delusion

20) Derision

21) Desiderium

22) Desire for Fame

23) Discord

24) Disrespect/ Disrespectfulness

25) Dissatisfaction

26) Dogmatism

27) Dominance

28) Eagerness for Power

29) Effrontery

30) Egoism

31) Envy/Enviousness

32) Excessiveness

33) Faithlessness

34) Falseness

35) Furtiveness

36) Gambling

37) Garrulity

38) Gaudium

39) Gluttony

40) Greed

41) Grudge

42) Hard-heartedness

43) Hate/Hatred

44) Haughtiness

45) High-handedness

46) Hostility

47) Humiliation

48) Hurt

49) Hypocrisy

50) Ignorance

51) Imperiousness

52) Imposture

53) Impudence

54) Inattentiveness

55) Indifference

56) Ingratitude

57) Insatiability

58) Insidiousness

59) Intolerance

60) Intransigence

61) Irresponsibility

62) Jealousy

63) Know-it-all

64) Lack of Comprehension

65) Lecherousness

66) Lust

67) Lying

68) Malignancy

69) Manipulation

70) Masochism

71) Mercilessness

72) Miserliness

73) Negativity

74) Obsession

75) Obstinance

76) Oppression

77) Ostentatiousness

78) Pessimism

79) Prejudice

80) Presumptuousness

81) Pretense

82) Pride

83) Prodigality

84) Quarrelsomeness

85) Rage

86) Rapacity

87) Ridicule

88) Sadism

89) Sarcasm

90) Scheming

91) Seducement/Seduction

92) Self-Denial

93) Self-Hatred

94) Sensuousness

95) Shamelessness/


96) Sloth

97) Stubbornness

98) Tormenting

99) Tyranny

100) Unconscientiousness

101) Unkindness

102) Unruliness/Incontinence

103) Unyielding

104) Vanity

105) Vindictiveness

106) Violence

107) Violent Temper

108) Wrath

It is through willpower and illuminating this darkness within that we become emotionally intelligent, as the darkness within each of us is simply that which has yet to be illuminated. We must understand our dark side as well as the light to be whole. As we can be only as light as the darkness we have faced and illuminated!

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